Standard First Aid Regina


SeaBus passenger called hero after performing CPR

A SeaBus passenger suffered a seizure and progressed into cardiac arrest around 8:45 PM while travelling from Waterfront Station. A good Samaritan acted and executed CPR until the paramedics arrived at the scene. A North Vancouver resident, Brian Counihan was the one who saved the life of the man. According to Counihan, he was not […]

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Canadians squeamish on performing CPR on strangers

Performing CPR without mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is not enough to convince most Canadians to execute CPR on strangers. The latest guidelines published in 2010 recommend that bystanders without training who witness an adult collapse should do away with the “rescue breaths” and focus on deep and rapid chest compressions instead. The reason for this is that

Canadians squeamish on performing CPR on strangers Read More »


CPR: Why you should perform on a dying guy even if you do not know how

One should at least execute CPR on an individual who is suffering from cardiac arrest even without training. The reason for this is that the alternative for the victim is likely death. This is the message of Canada’s emergency physicians. According to the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP), it must become a moral obligation

CPR: Why you should perform on a dying guy even if you do not know how Read More »

fentanyl first aid CPR

RCMP officer perform CPR on a man overdosing on fentanyl

A footage from a dashboard camera from an RCMP cruiser recorded the dramatic efforts to save a man overdosing on fentanyl. This incident occurred in Athabasca which is around 145 km north of Edmonton. The best word to describe the effort – “heroic” claims deputy commissioner Marianne Ryan, commanding officer of the Alberta RCMP. They

RCMP officer perform CPR on a man overdosing on fentanyl Read More »

Serving Regina and the surrounding areas in Saskatchewan with the lowest priced government approved first aid and CPR courses since 2013.

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