Regina first aid

A close look on disposable face masks

A disposable face mask is an indispensable tool nowadays especially with the continued rise in the number of COVID-19 cases all over the globe. One way to protect yourself and others is to wear a face mask especially in scenarios where physical distancing is not possible.

These 95% filter disposable face masks are lightweight and comfortable to wear. They have elastic ear loops with a metal piece on top to ensure a customized fit. Rest assured that these masks come with individualized wrapping.

Regina first aid
These 95% filter disposable face masks are lightweight and comfortable to wear.

What is a face mask used for?

A disposable face mask can help in preventing the spread of microorganisms and viruses. Once a person talks, coughs, or sneezes, small droplets are released into the air.

When a person is sick, using a face mask can limit the number of microorganisms or viruses being released into the environment.

How to use a disposable face mask

If there a need to use a disposable face mask, let us take a look at the steps on how to use one properly.

  • Clean your hands by washing with water and soap thoroughly or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • After opening the wrapping, carefully inspect the mask for any tears, holes, or signs of damage.
  • Look for the metal piece on the top part of the mask. The colored side of the mask faces outward or away from you while the white side touches your face once the mask is worn.
  • Position the top part of the mask over your nose, molding the metal piece to the shape of your nose.
  • Pull down the base of the mask, making the necessary adjustments to ensure that it covers your nose, mouth, and chin.
  • Once the mask is soiled, it is time to replace it with a new one. Remove the loops from your ears and lift the mask away from your face.

When you are using a disposable face mask, avoid touching it. If you are going to remove the mask, avoid touching the front part since it might be contaminated.

The soiled face mask must be disposed of properly in a closed garbage bin and clean your hands after washing with soap or water or using a hand sanitizer.

By using a disposable face mask, it can help limit the spread of germs or viruses while also protecting others from getting sick.


Learn how to stay safe by enrolling in a mask fitting test which is a requirement for many workplaces and school admissions or check out our available masks for sale by visiting our face mask sale page.

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