Regina first aid

Two teenagers hospitalized after a collision incident

Two teenagers were taken to the hospital in very serious condition following a collision. The incident happened on Ness Avenue. Bystanders in the area immediately provided first aid on two teenagers.

Dangers on the road

The police received a call from Woodlawn Street before 8 in the morning. According to Constable Tammy Shrabek, there was a collision that involves two teenager pedestrians. According to some bystanders, the two teenagers were crossing the intersection when a vehicle hit them. The collision caused damage to the front fender and the windshield of the vehicle.

According to the spokesperson of the Canadian Armed Forces, members of the military were on their way to report for duty at 17 Wing Winnipeg when they saw the incident. Three military members and a civilian from the Department of National Defense rushed to the area and immediately provided first aid and kept the 2 victims stationary, safe and warm until paramedics arrived in the area. These people refused to be identified.

Paramedics continued providing first aid and immediately taken to the hospital for further treatment.

Regina first aid
Bystanders in the area immediately provided first aid on two teenagers.

Furthermore, they were happy that they were in a position to provide help during that time and hoping for the full recovery of the two teenagers.

The councilor of the city, Scoot Gilingham is looking into the safety concerns of the people following the collision in the intersection. He began looking at this intersection and has asked the department about the history of the area, any safety concerns and any upgrades needed to be related to the incident. All these questions are being asked right now and so far the councilor has only heard from one person who was concerned about the safety of the area.

A road safety plan is urgently needed to help reduce accidents and death on the streets of Winnipeg. The city staff created a road safety plan was not completed. Other officials of Winnipeg suggested that they hire a staff member. The job of this staff member is overseeing changes and minimizes accidents on the streets. The changes include improvement of signage, updating crosswalks with visible lights and reducing speed limits.

The parents of the two teenagers were very grateful for the military people and some bystanders in providing their children with first aid.

For more information about this story, click here to learn.


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