More than 70 Alberta doctors implore for ‘sharp’ lockdown

If left to continue, the acute care health system will be overrun in the near future. More than 70 of Alberta’s physicians, medical professionals, and infectious disease specialists are pleading for a ‘sharp’ two-week lockdown to slow the spread of COVID-19. It will allow contact tracers to catch up and easing the pressures on the healthcare system.

The short lockdown – ‘circuit breaker’ – would allow the government to better formulate targeted regional public health measures that would reduce the spread of infections.

A circuit breaker is a temporary lockdown with a set end date, rather than an extended lockdown until cases drop past a certain point. It is a strategy being used by several European governments to ‘reset’ infection rates so public health authorities have time to plot the best path forward.

While lockdowns and restrictions have a significant impact on people’s ability to earn an income and socialize with friends and family, it is clear that a minimal impairment approach and requests to the people of Alberta to voluntarily stop holding social gatherings in the homes is unlikely to slow the rate of spread.

The short lockdown – ‘circuit breaker’ – would allow the government to better formulate targeted regional public health measures that would reduce the spread of infections.

For more information about this story, click here to learn.


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Our courses maintain social distancing measures with reduced class sizes to maintain the minimum 2 meters apart along with the mandatory use of face masks and regular temperature checks. The venue of the courses undergo regular, enhanced cleaning and disinfection routines. 

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