Regina first aid

Medical-grade masks to be reserved for healthcare workers

An association that has been heading donations of personal protective equipment for healthcare workers has confirmed that boxes of masks seen sale at several Canadian Tire stores are the type of items that doctors, nurses, and care works need right now while fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

The stores have come under fire for stocking large amounts of masks and a wide range for other protective gear such as eye goggles and disposable surgical gowns.

Regina first aid
When it comes to the prices seen at stores, such as $50 for a box that contains 50 masks, they are priced higher than normal.

If people have medical-grade supplies that can be used in the healthcare system, it is critical that those are donated. Canadian Tire did not respond to repeated requests for comment for this story.

When it comes to the prices seen at stores, such as $50 for a box that contains 50 masks, they are priced higher than normal. All suppliers have increased the price of items such as surgical masks as demand for PPE around the world has soared.

For more information about this story, click here.

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